Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Playlist, Indie-Rock Style (Part One)

Radiohead, The Dandy Warhols, The Raveonettes, Weezer, Julian Casablancas, Low, Bright Eyes, Death Cab, The Format, Pete Yorn

Although this time of year often makes me break out the Ella Fitzgerald and the Tony Bennett, it came up recently with my friend Brian about how many indie rock artists put out great Christmas stuff, all of which can be pretty hard to find.  Here is Part One of my list of favorite holiday songs in the indie or indie-influenced category (oh yes, there will be a part two...).  Just in time for everyone's rides home to wherever it is they call home. (Links for downloads, below.)

mp3: Julian Casablancas - I Wish It Were Christmas Today

mp3: Weezer - O Holy Night

mp3: Bright Eyes - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

mp3: Pete Yorn - Do They Know It's Christmas

mp3: Low - Just Like Christmas

mp3: The Format - Holly Jolly Christmas

mp3: Radiohead - Winter Wonderland

mp3: The Raveonettes - The Christmas Song

mp3: Death Cab - Baby Please Come Home

mp3: The Dandy Warhols - Every Day Should Be a Holiday

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thank you, Swedes

It was just this past Sunday that I was comparing notes with my friend Tara about how many Swedish bands we both love.  By coincidence I heard the new album from The Mary Onettes yesterday, and this particular track has been stuck in my head since. And come to find out they're Swedes, too. God bless 'em.

mp3: The Mary Onettes - Puzzles

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

A song by the Clientele, which felt quite apropos for the holiday, and perfect for a drive home to the Valley.

The Clientele - Harvest Time

Which also got me playing my favorite Clientele song of all time, below.

The Clientele - Since K Got Over Me

Right-Click Links to Download mp3's

Monday, November 9, 2009

Today's Addiction - Julian Casablanca: Tourist (repost)

mp3: Julian Casablancas - Tourist
Right-Click to Download mp3[sorry - link removed]

[Link removed upon request of IFPI for copyright notice]

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Flaming Lips - Watching the Planets

Few can really deny the zany and outlandish genius of the Flaming Lips. And this particular track features the vocals of Karen O (not to mention her giddy, adorable little shrieks), who is kind of like my hero (along with Gwen of course... btw, always wondered if the two of them would get along).

Oh, Karen O, how I love thee, and every track you touch...

mp3: The Flaming Lips - Watching the Planets

Monday, November 2, 2009

Best Song Ever -- The XX and Julian Plenti

I can't remember the last time I was this obsessed with two songs.

mp3: Julian Plenti - Only If You Run
mp3: The XX - Heart Skipped a Beat

Right-Click Links to Download mp3's

Friday, October 23, 2009

Iceland Airwaves trip

I miss you already, Iceland...

mp3: GusGus - Add This Song
mp3: State Trooper (Trentmoeller mixes Springsteen)

My song for the plane ride:

mp3: Air - Talisman

Right-Click to Download mp3's

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

June Playlist

June's Playlist -- and P.S. I absolutely loved this article about Passion Pit.

"I was there in the beginning,
I'm always there when you need me to be."
-Henry Clay People

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Me and my remixes...

So I especially love this one because, as you probably know, Fever Ray is fronted by Karin Deijer of The Knife, and it was by remixing The Knife several years ago that I first heard of Rex the Dog (I think that was the first time he really broke out in indie circles). He does well with the Swedes.

mp3: Fever Ray - Triangle Walks (Rex the Dog remix)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Fitting Tribute

MJ can hardly be bested on one his own songs, but this one is pretty ok.

mp3: Discovery (Vampire Weekend/Ra Ra Riot) - I Want You Back

Another cover from a (very) unlikely band -
mp3: Belle and Sebastian - Billy Jean (Live Cover)

Friday, May 29, 2009

My neighbors are so sick of hearing these songs (May)

"I love your parties. Especially the ones I remember."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lily Does The Clash

Another good cover from the War Child 'Heroes' album. This song of course has already had quite a bit of a second run after MIA's sampling of it in 2007. If you're a Clash fan, you'll be happy to hear Mick Jones lending his own vocals on this track. "We asked 15 ultimate icons to select a favourite song from their classic back catalogue and to nominate the new act they most trust to create a unique interpretation of that hand-picked track."

War Child: Heroes

mp3: Lily Allen - Straight to Hell

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Best. Song. Ever.
mp3: Doves - Kingdom of Rust

Runners-up, both remixes. The first one totally reminds me of a PM Dawn song.
mp3: Woodhands - Dancer (CFCF Remix)
mp3: The Robot Disaster - Guitars Are Overrated (Neo Tokyo Remix)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Neighbors are So Sick of Hearing These Songs

"I see the music in your face

That your words cannot explain"

-David Byrne

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Best song E-V-E-R. Thank you again, Brooklyn.
mp3: Harlem Shakes - Strictly Game

And something else jangly.
mp3: The National - So Far Around the Bend

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FINE THEN. (Follow Up)

It was pretty damn cool.
(We shall never speak of this again.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Confession: I once declined a date with a cute boy after learning that his favorite band was Dave Matthews Band.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a fan (if you happen to be one of them), but in a manner similar to a staunch Democrat declining to date a Republican, I just figured that we weren't really going to see eye to eye on most things after learning of the whole DMB thing. It's just that I've always had a hard time respecting it when that is somebody's FAVORITE (considering that it generally makes me want to punch myself in the ears). Yes, I am embarrassed that I am that judgmental - that's why it is called a confession.

My friend Dave G, however, is someone who's taste in music I respect supremely. And he happens to LOVE Dave Matthews live. It has always thrown me off a little, being that we have such similar tastes otherwise. So... begrudgingly, I think I'm going to try and put my tightly-held opinions aside and try (TRY!) to give DMB another chance. For Dave G's sake. And because he's even offered me a ticket to one of his NYC shows tonight in an effort to change my mind. And how can I possibly snub that kind of gesture?

So, with that said... wish me luck yall.

P.S. My first show EVER at Madison Square Garden - psyched!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Theme songs have to just "happen". Invariably, when I'm on holiday, one song always emerges as the definitive soundtrack for the whole trip or occasion. Two months ago, while visiting Belize with my favorite travel buddies, one of the venues we were at played a 10 minute version of Mika's 'Relax' on the first night we were out. The funny part is that the next day I downloaded it on my iPhone and proceeded to play it out loud (from my purse) while our group strolled along the sunny streets of San Pedro. It was as if the soundtrack was following us around. (Giselle was amused).

Belize Feb '09:
mp3: Mika - Relax Take It Easy

Costa Rica May '08:
mp3: Fragma - Toca Me

Lisa's Birthday Feb '09:
mp3: Air - Sexy Boy


Lisa's Bday

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Is everyone in my life bananas?"-Tony Soprano

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I must be on a remix KICK

Confession: I often download music that has been recommended to me (or given to me for free), and never get around to actually listening to it. Unfortunately, I have a disgusting amount of music in my possession and, like clothing hanging in a closet with tags still attached, I just haven't had the opportunity to break them out yet. My most frequent idle-time filling activity is to go through music I haven't yet rated and give it a listen, either adopting it into my collection, or marking it for disbandment. Every now and then I come across something really good that I've never heard before but had in my collection all along. And then I get to feel like a Tard. (see "Tard"). That is the case for this CSS's remix of Sia's "Buttons". I discovered it one day while rifling through my iPhone on the subway and, instantly, the rest of my day had a soundtrack.

Also posting a favorite remix from last fall (Gang Gang Dance).

mp3: Sia - Buttons (CSS remix)
mp3: Gang Gang Dance - House Jam (xxxChange remix)

"I'm too lazy to even listen to original songs anymore. I just listen to the remixes." -Hipster Runnoff

Friday, April 10, 2009

Golden Filter remix of PBJ

I'm re-posting this song from earlier (another one deleted by Blogger) for my friend Brian, after having a text-conversation with him a few days ago about how sick this remix of Peter Bjorn and John is. He hadn't heard it yet so here ya go, Bri. Peter Bjorn and John's album is one of my new favorites (I think they may have outdone their breakout album Writer's Block), and I can't mention enough how much I love The Golden Filter, so naturally I'm impressed that they remixed PBJ into their own brand of smokey electro-disco. (Favorite Golden Filter song, also below.)

mp3: Peter Bjorn and John - Lay It Down (Golden Filter remix)

mp3: Golden Filter - Solid Gold

mp3: Peter Bjorn and John - Lay It Down[Sorry - Link Removed]

[Link removed upon request of IFPI for copyright notice on 4/16. But you should check the tracks out]

[Sorry - Links removed upon request of IFPI for copyright notice on 4/16. But you should check the tracks out]

Thursday, April 9, 2009


So I'm taking a break from my recent synth-obsessed ways and posting some of my recent obsessions in the singer-songwriter genre. (Although, that term really makes me want to gag. Can we come up with a better one?)

I think posting an Elvis Perkins mp3 MIGHT have been what got me into trouble last time with Blogger. I think EP's 'people' might be scouring the web for bloggers posting his music. But I'm going to attempt to be all 'rebellious', and try again. Because it really IS that good. (We'll see if this post gets deleted as well... but really, EP, I'm just trying to show the world how awesome you are). I am becoming increasingly hooked on his new album, which is complex and wonderful. But "Shampoo" is still my favorite.

Also posting what has to be the greatest song ever from Here We Go Magic (word up to Brooklyn), from my Feb/April playlist. Note to the hip moms I know (Courtney Demers), this should go under the category of "Indie Rock Songs that Could be Lullabies" (yes, I will raise my kids on rock songs, just as my parents raised me on Neil Young (and I'm a better person for it)).

mp3: Elvis Perkins in Dearland - Shampoo
mp3: Here We Go Magic - Fangela

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

February/March 2009 Playlist (repost)

Reposting... See my previous rant about Google Blogger.

(P.S. Dear Google Blogger - Still pissed. Love, Rachel)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Screw Google Blogger

Unfortunately it looks like I've fallen under the scrutiny of Blogger for posting MP3's. (see Google Deleting Music Blogger Posts, 02/06/09) Apparently this deleting is something that they've just started doing, although I'm surprised that they came across my blog at all, considering that the practice is rampant, and that there are many more music bloggers who post more songs, more frequently than I (make that every music blogger, as you can probably judge by my oh-so-diligent posts). What pisses me off, though, is that there is no notice given - the post is just suddenly gone. When you look at your posting Dashboard, it doesn't show as unpublished, it's just as if it never existed, with no explanation. In doing this they delete not only the MP3 that was posted, but any writing that you did in the post as well. What if my short sarcastic blurbs had actually been some worthy music journalism? Can they not do the simple courtesy of sending a generic, auto-generated email notifying me that my post has been deleted? Instead of leaving me to discover it for myself and wonder if I'm going crazy?

I'm not super happy with them right now.

What the HECK????

I just found out my last post was deleted, and I am PISSED. I definitely did not delete it myself. How does this happen????

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Buy this Album

I admit that this album got my attention mostly because it was produced by Bryce Dessner, a member of one of my very favorite bands, The National (and yes, it has been pointed out to me many times that I use "my very favorite" all too often to describe bands). But it's a darn good album which happens to benefit a darn fine cause*, and I think everyone should go buy it immediately.

*Proceeds benefit the Red Hot Organization – an international charity dedicated to raising money and awareness for HIV and AIDS through popular culture

Dark Was the Night - A Red Hot Compilation

I personally love this track:
mp3: Feist and Ben Gibbard - Train Song

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Favorites of 2008 - YAY! (Finally)

I think I broke the rules by including Radiohead's In Rainbows in this list, since it actually came out for download in 2007. But technically they released it more than once, and the songs had such an impact on me this year that I had to pull them in. And it's my list. So there.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tina and Manuela and Rachel's Song

From Manuela's NYC visit December '08!

mp3: Walter Meego - Forever

Saturday, January 10, 2009